
Secure Video Hosting

Protect your videos with word’s most secure DRM system, no downloader, plugin or hack can download or share the videos streamed through it. It’s a Hollywood certified DRM to secure videos from piracy

DRM Encrypted Streaming

DRM encrypted video streaming technology ensures that no downloader, plugin can grab your content. Highest security from video piracy with Widevine DRM.

Watermarking to Deter Screen Capture

Viewer specific moving/static watermark with email, user id, IP, timestamp. Customise colour, speed, transparency, size for a watermark. Secure dynamic URLs, Geo Restriction.

Amazon AWS Server + CDN

AWS powered server, transcoding & CDN infrastructure to ensure a smooth playback across 6 continents.

Video Playback

Fully featured HTML5 video player with adaptive streaming, QoS, and accessibility support across devices.

Device Security

Robust device security is enabled by using factory provisioned keyboxes to establish a hardware root of trust, secure decryption and content rendering.

Powefull content protection for a good night sleep with Widevine DRM “

Schedule a Free Consultation Today

When it comes to starting building your own LMS business, there are lots to consider. Marketing and promotion of your LMS/content, live classes, video content security, video watermarking, content copyrights, platform security, simultaneous users, application and DB servers, maintenance, scalability, payment gates, manage support and many other important factors. Therefore we are here to answer all the question you have.

General Questions


Do I have the ownership of my LMS?

Many of our solutions are based on open-source technologies and you will receive access to the code of your system. So you will be able to use and modify it at any moment.

Can you prevent downloading my content?

Yes, after we connect your LMS with word's most secure DRM system, no downloader, plugin or hack can download or share the videos streamed through it. It's a Hollywood certified DRM to secure videos from piracy

Do you have any solution to prevent screen recording?

Yes, With the Dynamic Water Marking, You can put a watermark of your user's IP address, user id, email id, phone no, logo, text overlay. Custom size, colour, speed to discourage screen capture.

How long it will take to finish my LMS?

We can provide you with the fully functional LMS witing 14 days including standard design customization. If you select the extended design customization package, It will take 4 to 8 weeks.

Do you provide after-sales support?

All our LMS comes with 15 days of free support. Within that period, You can get our support on any functional issues and errors. After the 15days you can get our ongoing maintenance (Monitoring, Backups and future updates) support for USD 80 if you host the system in our dedicated AWS or Digital Ocean server environments (You have to pay hosting charges separately).

But if you are planning to host the system in your hosting environment, We only provide on-demand support with the project-based hourly rate.

How many concurrent users can use the system?

Some of our clients use our system to facilitate 3000+ simultaneous logins. It mostly depends on the Hosting environment you select. We always recommend what suits you best in terms of cost optimization and performance. We will design the best hosting architecture according to your need.

How much it will cost me for the LMS?

It will depend on the services and features you inquire, Our standard LMS package starts as low as USD 3020. and the full package goes up to USD 6300. (This is without 3rd party services such as Web Application hosting (AWS/DO), Video hosting and streaming (Vimeo/S3), Zoom Packages, Video Encryption Services. )

Let's Get Started!

It's all about time and decisions. Let us manage your eLearning technology and protect your video content with the most advanced DRM and Access Control and help you to maximize your profits with AI so you can well manage your education business!